Click to Read Past Notices
Breakin' Beats Dance Studio Family,
THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER! We are excited to announce that we have set a date to return to the studio in-person. Starting February 15, 2021 we will be welcoming back some in person classes while simultaneously offering classes virtually! Due to adjusted class sizes, new student trials must be scheduled prior to attending. Existing students who may want to switch from virtual to in-person will need to get approval.
Before returning to in-person classes, we ask that you review and discuss with your child the following information:
An updated schedule has been posted for your review as well. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We are infinitely grateful for your patience and support through the pandemic. Our staff is ecstatic to see you!
Happy November, BBDS Family!
First and foremost, we hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. We want to send a tremendous thank you for everyone's love and support during this time. The gratitude we have is insurmountable. There is no one we would rather be dancing with than YOU. BBDS Staff is so proud of all the hard work that has been happening on Zoom for the last 6 months!
As many of you know, BBDS has been following the EPISD closure schedule since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. We have consistently stated we would like to see EPISD have a successful reopening before setting our reopen date. As an educational institution, it is imperative we honor the safety of our students and their families. The pushback of return in-person dates for EPISD has been a source of frustration, and we completely understand. On the other side, we imagine it must be challenging to make decisions that concern the safety of the whole community, most especially our children. Please know we deeply cherish the joy your child has from taking their weekly dance class with us. With several members of our family in the healthcare field, we understand the severity of the virus as well as the sacrifice being made by so many.
Like many small businesses, we have been facing a struggle we never anticipated. Despite the roller coaster of events, it is far more important to us to wait and open when it is completely safe. Leading with our hearts is what we do, and we want you to know your child’s safety is our priority.
We have made the decision to remain closed and continue virtual classes to protect our BBDS family and community. As we head into flu season and simultaneously reach record high days of positive cases, we do not feel comfortable opening our doors at this time. Despite youth resiliency with the virus, we do not want to put our students at risk.
As always, our dance calendar has a built-in three weeks for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Classes will continue virtually and holiday breaks will be as follows: Thanksgiving November 23rd - 28th, Winter December 21st - January 2nd. We look forward to the holidays and celebrating a reopening in the new year!
In an attempt to lead courageously, we understand these hard choices may not be favorable for everyone and we want your voice to be heard. We will be extending a survey in early December to give us an idea of how many kids/parents truly feel comfortable returning to in-person classes so we can determine the right decision for our BBDS families. Our reopening policy is attached below for all new families or anyone wanting to review the safety measures we will be putting in place for your child.
We are endlessly proud of the resilience of our students and we extend a humble nod to our parents who are heroes without capes. To our parents with small businesses and families with healthcare workers, we have held you close to heart. Know that you are not alone and together we will see the other side. “The only way out is through.”
Miss Tati’s Virtual Movie Lunch/Dinner | December 5, 2020
Join us to celebrate Miss Tati’s birthday with a movie and meal! We will be streaming a dance movie for littles at 12pm and bigs at 7pm to enjoy via Zoom!
Holiday Video
We will be adapting this year's Open House into a video format! Students will be allowed to submit videos if they wish and we will be taking screen recorded videos in class as well. More details coming soon!
Holiday Cookie Pick-Up & Drive-By
We want to keep spreading joy, and one of our favorite parts of the holiday season is baking. We invite our whole BBDS Family out for a homemade cookie pick-up! Parents or students are welcome to drive by on Friday, December 18th (3-6pm) or Saturday, December 19th (11-2pm) and have our signature homemade cookies taken out to your car.
We are more than capable of getting through this pandemic, but we only do that by staying strong together. BBDS is here to help however we can, please don’t hesitate to reach out! More info will be out as we approach the new year, STAY TUNED. Updates will continue to be posted on BAND, Instagram (@breakinbeatsdancestudio), Facebook (Breakin’ Beats Dance Studio Business Page), and this website ( BBDS Staff is ecstatic to return and can’t wait to see your bright and shining faces in person! A special reopening will be in order once we can be together again, and we plan to make it so!
Take care and stay safe!
Contact us:
Miss Tati: 915.584.4755
Momma Q: 915.241.6787
To begin, I want to send a heartfelt thank you for your support since we’ve announced our decision to extend our Spring Break closure. We will continue our current strategy to slow the spread of COVID-19 through social distancing. It is vital to us to make the health and safety of our dancers and their families our priority.
In this moment of uncertainty, we are reflecting on our core values and what makes the BBDS community so special. We want to celebrate dance and bring joy to our students. We aim to continue to be open, transparent, direct, and connected with our community. We are thinking about you as we navigate this crisis together and will be reaching out with updates regarding payments, tuition, services, and the near future as we currently understand it.
BBDS will continue to follow the EPISD closures and will extend our Spring Break until April 4th.
Please stay connected regarding our planned re-opening April 6, 2020.
While this will impact our classes inside the studio, we will continue to deliver the dance experience you know and love at Breakin’ Beats Dance Studio in a slightly different way. Our teachers and staff are committed to creative solutions to stay connected with their students. Thanks to technology, we will be opening our digital doors. This will allow us to provide a virtual dance experience to keep your dancer moving, learning, interacting, and having fun. We are committed to paying our teachers and staff so they can support themselves through this difficult time and be ready to pick up in person right where we left off. Like most small businesses, our expenses will stay current while our income will have a tremendous impact. Breakin’ Beats has always done its very best to provide you with high quality dance training at reasonable prices. We are people-driven, not profit-driven - and are very proud of this core value – but, we do not have a financial reserve to draw upon during this time. We are continuing to maintain our space, equipment, insurance, and organizational memberships so that we are ready to open our doors when it is safely recommended.
With our physical doors closed, we will be offering the below options to pay your remaining tuition to stay active on Band and in class upon returning:
- Venmo (Breakin Beats Admin or @BreakinBeatsDanceStudio)
- Mailing your check to 1035 Belvidere Ste. #370 El Paso, Tx 79912
- Online bill pay from your bank with our address
- Dropping off your cash or check during office hours Wednesday, April 1st from 9am-12noon

- We will be using the Band App for all communication and class videos. We ask that you and your dancer please download the app in either the Apple App store or the Google Play store.
- Your invitation to join the ‘BBDS Dance Family Band’ was in the text that brought you to this website. If for any reason you have trouble getting in, please text me at 9155385998.
- We will start by uploading recital video choreography to practice at home and are ecstatic about all additional content we will be able to provide! Warm ups, strength and flexibility training, choreography, and much more will be available to your dancer at the tips of their fingers through Band.
- If there is a need for additional extension of this break, we will transition to online classes via Zoom.
- You will have access to directly contact your teachers and we are all here for anything you need!
We'll also be adding some bonuses for your dancer during this time:
Fun competitions to win prizes for putting in the work at home
- We will be posting info about live classes happening around the world
- Tik Tok takeovers
- Bonus material and activities
We deeply thank you for your support. As a small business, your continued dedication to our mission to provide your child with invaluable life skills through dance, ensures we can continue doing the work we do.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
For those who are one social media, we ask you all to follow us as it’s a great way to stay connected!
Facebook: Breakin’ Beats Dance Studio
Instagram: @breakinbeatsdancestudio
Twitter: @bbdancestudio
TikTok: @breakinbeatsdancestudio
We will be in touch with further details as they unfold. See you inside Band!
Warm Regards,
Miss Tati